Subscribe Annotation Not Working?


I Love YTtalk
Has anyone noticed that when you try to add an annotation link to subscribe, the box unchecks itself & doesn't work?

I tried getting around this by pasting the link itself into the link box, but I had someone try it, and it just brought them to my channel page without subscribing.

This is the link I'm talking about:

Has anyone else experienced this? Mind trying out the SUBSCRIBE button on my channel page or in my end slate (last 10 seconds of my video) and telling me if it works? You can unsubscribe afterwards, I'm just curious.

Thanks! :D
I have had this problem for days and I thought it was my web browser messing up. Glad it's not just me. Hopefully they will fix it soon :)
I have had this problem for days and I thought it was my web browser messing up. Glad it's not just me. Hopefully they will fix it soon :)
You're not alone! :D

I think I replied to the thread you made about this topic. But at the time, I thought it was working (didn't have anyone try it out). :S

I hope they're not phasing out subscribe annotations haha
I'm pretty sure when it says "subscribe" all you have to do is put your channel name in the box. No link.
You're not alone! :D

I think I replied to the thread you made about this topic. But at the time, I thought it was working (didn't have anyone try it out). :S

I hope they're not phasing out subscribe annotations haha
I hope they don't too.. Makes things a lot easier :)
I'm pretty sure when it says "subscribe" all you have to do is put your channel name in the box. No link.
I know that. But when I highlight the "Subscribe" option in that dropdown menu, it doesn't even give me the option to type in my Channel name. Like I explained, it just unchecks the link option altogether. I used to be able to do it a few weeks ago.