Subribed channels


New Member
Hi to you all. I have subscribed to 50+plus channels on you tube for over 3years without problems but about 3 weks ago I started to notice I wasn't recieving some of them. . On some channels I've been notified that a video had been posted but it wasn't on the channel and on others they have simply disappeared. When I say notified I mean by bell and sometimes by the dot against their name in my subscripition list . I checked and I'm still subscribed and and on for notifications so I unsubsribed from the problem channels and then resubscribed which hasn't improved things. I also unsubscribed from 20 channels I followed Just in case there is a limit which has also made no difference. There are10 or more channelsthat have have stopped publishing, IAs examples White spot pirates and Project Brupeg both publish very regularly others tend to be a bit irregular and its possible that one or two have stopped putting out videos but not these two I,m sure.
If there's anyone out their who can help I would be very grateful but as you've probably guessed by now I am extremely poor with computers so please put it in laymans terms.
Thanks for reading this.