Stupid Mistakes


YTtalk Mad
I always look at the camera screen instead of the lens and it's so annoying. I have to redo things like 5 times because of this.
Anyone one else have video problems?
I haven't done any camera apparition yet, but maybe I'm going to in my next video, so...
Thanks for the advice
Do you mean you look a the LCD instead of the viewfinder when you shoot? That is not necessarily a mistake. You should be using the lcd screen on the camera for most purposes framing wise and all that. The only time you need to look through the viewfinder is to focus on some cameras. What do you shoot on? I have always noticed that looking at the screen instead of through the viewfinder directly to the lens ends up getting me crisper focus when I shoot on DSLRs (Mainly Cannon t4i and 7D).
I don't have this problem, since I don't vlog. But the best way is to practice. Try to look at the very center of the lens, where the actual shutter opens and closes. It will be pretty natural eventually, you just need to practice.