Stuff to do for 1K subs?


Active Member
Hi, I was just wondering if you guys have any good ideas, for making a video, for hitting 1K subscribers!! Please leave a reply if you do!!!:D
Dance in the rain :d jk i dont know make a cool episode like saying thanks and stuff thats what i did!
For myself, I would try to write a script that would fill 15 minutes. Intense short film style. Then I would scroll all the names of my subscribers that have their subscriptions on public. I dunno about you though.
XD I dont know about that lol I prefer to do things like challenges/gaming to celebrate (so what I do usually XD) anything like that you can think of??
Hmm, maybe make a montage of your videos? Or you could do some video with a facecam (if you haven't shown your face yet) :)
Hmm, maybe make a montage of your videos? Or you could do some video with a facecam (if you haven't shown your face yet) :)
I think a 1k video should be more genuine than a montage of previous videos XD

For gaming, I think that you can play some games with your subscribers and make a highlight reel of the footage.

Or, you can play some of the worst games in history, like Superman 64, ET for atari, Sonic Racers (the one that morphed into Sonic.exe?). I don't know.