Struggling around this time of the year

Courtney Candice

I Love YTtalk
Every year around the holidays I always have a hard time keeping up with my uploading schedule because of thanksgiving,Christmas, New Years and then my birthday.

Around in November I was busy with getting stuff ready to go back to school for cosmetology and busy with getting stuff ready for thanksgiving. in December the same thing with Christmas so I have a hard time getting videos together around this time of the year because of all this and I don’t get thanksgiving or Christmas break.

Does any of you guys struggle with keeping up with your uploading schedule around this time of the year?
I agree it is normal around this time of year. Many of the big dogs are posting 2018 compilations which if you have been working on it all year then it should be easier to produce with just a voiceover.
I agree it is normal around this time of year. Many of the big dogs are posting 2018 compilations which if you have been working on it all year then it should be easier to produce with just a voiceover.
Nah those type of videos aren’t really my thing I mean of but done it would been a good idea but I didn’t have time
Yeah I haven't uploaded in like 4 days, to be honest is fine.. my subs understand and they are also really busy! I would only recommend you post something in the Community Tab, just to let them know you are alive! I posted today and nobody is asking for a new video, they are only saying Happy New Year!! It's fine, enjoy your time and be ready to start 2019 with double the effort... right now just relax and be happy! is not a big deal
I would think this is normal. My upload consistency is terrible year around but for those that value family time and really don't feel like filming and editing and uploading, then I can see this being a thing. Things also start slowing down near the end of the year and people get busy with other things. Lots of creators would rather just spend more time with friends and family without the bother of worrying about a video.
That's why having an upload schedule can really impact your channel depending on whether or not you keep up with it. Being consistent will make people want to stay because they know your going to upload every Wednesday & Friday but if you don't meet that then you will quickly lose people.

I would advise to shy away from an upload schedule and focus more on being active on your socials in terms of channel promotion.