Services Streamer? Need Stream Art? - FawX Graphics


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I have been dabbling in creating stream art for the past 2 months now and I feel like I want to try my hand at other types of artwork as I feel like I have the ability to complete most requests.

If you would like stream art done hit me up on Twitter @YaBoiiFawX, hit me with a DM and we will go from there.

Use below template when DMing project.

Stream Art Template:

Style: (ex. Facecam Overlay, End Screen, BRB Screen)
Theme: (ex. Fortnite)
Colors: (ex. Blue, Black, White & Green)
Image: Attatch any images you want to use such as game characters etc. Otherwise I will insert my own image if I feel like it needs one.
Text: (ex. Welcome to my YouTube channel in Blue, Subscribe in Red)
Design: If there is a particular design you would like, send me a referance to the design you want it to look like and I will try my best.

Specific Details: (ex. My name must be in "font" and in the Middle


Completed Template:

Style:Chat Box
Theme: Call of Duty
Colors: Black, Red, & Orange
Image: I sent you two PNGs I want used
Text: 'KillShot Gamez' in Red, 'Quality COD Content' in White
Design: This channel called "mrfreshcooy" has a nice design, can you do something similar?

Specific Details: Can I have 'KillShot GameZ' in "RobotCon" Font & my logo (which I also sent) in the center of the screen, thanks.


Please not you can NOT request anymore than ONE style/design per post. If you would like an ENTIRE set done then feel free to talk to me about it in my DMs. Much like the Joker said, "If your good at something, never do it for free".