Still possible Make Unique Ideas?


New Member
on youtube is already alooot things alot life hacks are same also everyone doing 1000 degree knife

do you think is still possible make unique ideas ?

something like gun vs stuff or laser vs stuff
Of course. There are tons of things that have yet to be created and filmed. You've just got to be a creative individual and think of things that haven't been done yet.
on youtube is already alooot things alot life hacks are same also everyone doing 1000 degree knife

do you think is still possible make unique ideas ?

something like gun vs stuff or laser vs stuff
I have thought of laser vs. stuff. I work for a laser company so I have the means to do it, but I don't want to lose my job!

There are plenty of new ideas you can do. Sometimes you just need to combine ideas that may not be original to make them even more epic. Like check these guys out, people have done plenty of nut shots and jumped on thumbtacks barefooted, but when you combine those with fire, it adds a whole new level of wtf. I have a video of a Twerking Panda Riding a Roomba with a GoPro attached to it, I have never seen that done before lol. Not the most popular video I have, but it's pretty original.

Well for example i started to following ''what's inside'' because it was pretty unique. Just like the hydraulic press channel , but ofcourse everyone that has a hydraulic press follow's up with doing the same.

But i think there's still enough stuff that ppl will find oddly satisfying to watch
Every unique idea is a collection of multiple other things you've seen or experienced, but you can still come up with unique wacky things no one else would create or really think about.
Well those things are super specific because you limit yourself to just a laser or a gun, maybe try having different objects like spiked baseball bat, car, sledge hammer, to try and add a variety so you don't run out of ideas and can have multiple combinations.
Scientifically speaking, there is an infinite amount of ideas, you just gotta figure them out lol.
But dont limit yourself with weapons lol
being original doesn't mean that you get alot of views.
i make video's that explain what fanart is and review fan stuff and we comics.
but i don't get almost no views.
if you want to be succesful youtuber, being orignal isn't the best option