Damond Rickson
Well-Known Member
I still need Avatar, Banner, vid intro etc for free. Some ppl said to add them on Skype but I haven't gotten a reply yet. whats the point of saying youre going to help and not? Serious ppl only need to reply.
Im sure he will "mak it NICE!"I have a gaming channel and I play mostly call of duty but I will be havin more game vids soon. the name is Bum Life Gaming so the banner should say that with Call of duty pic in background but make it cool go look at my channel and see what I have already. my avatar I want a cartoon bum with BLG in tvhe forground mak it NICE! plz and thank you
I still need Avatar, Banner, vid intro etc for free. Some ppl said to add them on Skype but I haven't gotten a reply yet. whats the point of saying youre going to help and not? Serious ppl only need to reply.
lol its been almost a week and not a single reply. Where im from you don't blow smoke up someones a**. if you say your going to do something do it. Simple. Go rant somewhere else