Starting to post every day. Suggestions?


Well-Known Member
I have been posting off and on 1 to 2 times a week and that doesn't seem to be enough for me anymore I want to start uploading every day. So reply and tell me what you think i should upload, you can give me a genre of game or video or tell me specifically what game or video or what to talk about what kind of video. So get creative and tell me what to do.
Well i do all football (soccer) games so every day i do a new match etc. Seems to be working well. Just find something that people will be interested in
You have 38 subs - who is craving daily content? You'll just exhaust your ideas for not really any benefit.
If you want to do somthing daily or very frequently
Try a recurring thing each week, for example a Friday could be a review/react
That way you won't run out of ideas :)