Special Symbols in Youtube Titles

The Math Sorcerer

I've Got It
It would be super nice to have the following symbols in my title.



Other than spelling out "greater than" or "less than" can anyone think of another way to use these? Youtube does not allow > or <. Usually find an alternate way to name the title, but sometimes I want to be really precise in the title.

This interferes with lots of video titles I try to create since those symbols are used for other things in mathematics as well not just greater than and less than.

Any help is highly appreciated!!
For smaller than you can use く the Japanese hiragana sign meaning "ku". I do not know how wise is this for SEO. May be there is some Chinese character for bigger than but I do not know it. I will search for it if I find some spare time later.

Edit: I found it! You can use again the hiragana iteration mark ゝ not so symmetric though but may be it will do the job. :)
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