Sound control during commentary


Well-Known Member
Hi there,

Does anybody know how do some YouTubers control the volume of their commentary AND ingame sound when recording the audio commentary live during the gameplay (not after the video has been pre-recorded)? For example, TotalBiscuit sometimes lowers the volume of his voice (microphone) and raises ingame sound for a short while for the audience to hear something, and then goes back to normal again.

I'm assuming he's not using Fraps to record his voice then, because that doesn't seem possible with Fraps. Any ideas what he is using and how he does it?

He probally uses audacity to record his voice then adjust them how he likes

So the idea behind using Audacity + Fraps, is that you start recording in Audacity, then Fraps and go into game. Afterwards, you have to cut and sync both files together, and make sure they match second to second? Sounds like plenty of work, especially if you're doing 2-3 videos a day.
I would do the audacity thing. Definitely your easiest alternative. I use audacity + fraps and then I use vegas to sync it together. It works so well i'd bet thats how all the big guys do it.
ambry did you answer my question in the other chat about if your artist would draw something for someone else
I would do the audacity thing. Definitely your easiest alternative. I use audacity + fraps and then I use vegas to sync it together. It works so well i'd bet thats how all the big guys do it.

Interesting. Do you mind if I pick your brain a little on this one? I've also decided to go with this option.

What system do you use? Is it just as simple as "press record on Audacity, then go into game, record on Fraps"; after, "take both exported files, drop them into Sony Vegas, cut unnecessary parts from audio file, then sync, edit if needed, done"?
Is it pretty simple to control/edit audio in Sony Vegas when synchronizing it with the recorded video file, like lower/raising volume for either one of those? Any tricks you use for the best sync end result? At the moment, it looks like there might be some trouble to make commentary and video perfectly match.

Thanks man!