The YTTalk Godfather
@Vicboss (who may or may not be here anymore)
@JeriKane (cause if I don't he might cry)
@Michael (because he is a dictator and controls this realm with an iron fist)
@Katherinejane001 (because she likes to watch things later)
@MyLittleKristii (just because)
@allisonmacd (Because the rules dictate it)
@GafferGames (Because he was my first internet love child)
@fibfib (because his name is fibfib)
@Qazplm (Because his name starts with the letter Q)
@laurenzside (because I haven't tagged her in a while)[DOUBLEPOST=1411906832,1411906628][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh and I want to tag
@IsntChrisL (because he already watched it but I want him to watch it again)
@Comconoclast (Because he doesn't get tagged enough and cries about it)