Someone is stealing my thumbnail, I want to send a copyright strike but im worried


Some dude stole my original thumbnail that is working for my viral video, which after months is lossing views now, so im paranoid that this guy is causing this. My CTR is actually up, but im still paranoid, I dont like seeing this guy ranking this video (it's a live feed where he runs stolen videos for hours, not my videos as far as i've seen, but my thumbnail is used) and I see this recommended next to my video. So some people may not click on my video since they may be confused and think they already saw it (even tho again, my CTR is up, but I still dont like it)

Anyway, I want to send a copyright strike, I see now there's a way to specify that the problem is the thumbnail, but im worried that by the time the Youtube staff looks at it, he has already changed the thumbnail, so I would look like im trying to clain a thumbnail I don't know, and now with covid19 they will take even longer to look at it. Do you know what I mean?

What should I do?
What should I do?

You should file a copyright report. He will get a strike and you will also send a clear message that you won't tolerate people stealing your work. If he then sends a message, asking you to retract it, don't reply to the message. Just ignore it.

Take a screenshot if you prefer first so that you can prove the thumbnail was yours at the time of making the report.