Request Someone edit a C4D template (Just some text)


I've Got It
Before I start, BlockDesigns I don't want you saying "Do it yourself" or "I can but I charge money" As you do all the time, and I can't download it - I have tried!

But anyway, if someone can edit the text in an intro template for me to say "FozzyFoster" then I would be very grateful! I can offer anything apart from real money in return.

Here is the template: /watch?v=cj_MNljleco

Send it to when it is done if you want ot do it.

It seems like the template is a bit incompatible with C4D R14, but I'll see if I can get it right :p Also, sounds are not included in the template... Would you be able to find sounds and apply them yourself? :)
It seems like the template is a bit incompatible with C4D R14, but I'll see if I can get it right :p Also, sounds are not included in the template... Would you be able to find sounds and apply them yourself? :)

Yeah I can find my own sounds - and thanks for helping out mate! You automatically get your channel in my videos descriptions!!!
The outcome may be a bit different than the video on YouTube, but I'll it to you once it's done ;) Then you can see for yourself if you're satisfied with it ;)