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Active Member
I'm new to this whole YouTube thing so it would be helpful if I could get some tips.
I already do have a YouTube logo / banner ( Made myself ). I verified my channel etc...
I also posted my first video and yes it's with a thumbnail made in Photoshop CC.

If you see something that's important that I forgot, just let me know.
I'm new to this whole YouTube thing so it would be helpful if I could get some tips.
I already do have a YouTube logo / banner ( Made myself ). I verified my channel etc...
I also posted my first video and yes it's with a thumbnail made in Photoshop CC.

If you see something that's important that I forgot, just let me know.

What content are you planning on making in the future?
I use After Effects CC and Premiere Pro CC to make my video's.

Ok, well that's better then what I have. XD Um...I think the tips I would give are:

One: Don't be discouraged if you have days when you don't gain any subscribers. From what I saw in your about section, you started this channel about 2 days ago, and you now have 14 subs! That's great! :D But just know that you'll most likely have those days where your channel isn't getting any subs.

Two: Practice makes perfect. Yes, it's very cliche, I know, but It's true. I remember when I started out on youtube, my videos weren't the best, at all. Now...they're not the best either, but with each video I make, I try my best to make it better then the last video I made. Also, if you don't know how to do something specifically with your editing program, look up some tutorials. That always helps.

Hopefully this helps! Good luck to you with your journey on youtube! :D
I think you're doing just fine. I'd say keep producing as often as you can on a regular basis, with content you're proud of, and promoting it as much as you can.
Ok, well that's better then what I have. XD Um...I think the tips I would give are:

One: Don't be discouraged if you have days when you don't gain any subscribers. From what I saw in your about section, you started this channel about 2 days ago, and you now have 14 subs! That's great! :D But just know that you'll most likely have those days where your channel isn't getting any subs.

Two: Practice makes perfect. Yes, it's very cliche, I know, but It's true. I remember when I started out on youtube, my videos weren't the best, at all. Now...they're not the best either, but with each video I make, I try my best to make it better then the last video I made. Also, if you don't know how to do something specifically with your editing program, look up some tutorials. That always helps.

Hopefully this helps! Good luck to you with your journey on youtube! :D
Thank you very much!
I think you're doing just fine. I'd say keep producing as often as you can on a regular basis, with content you're proud of, and promoting it as much as you can.
Do you know an effective way to promote your content ?
Like a social media platform which works good to gain here and there some subscribers.
I'm new to this whole YouTube thing so it would be helpful if I could get some tips.
I already do have a YouTube logo / banner ( Made myself ). I verified my channel etc...
I also posted my first video and yes it's with a thumbnail made in Photoshop CC.

If you see something that's important that I forgot, just let me know.


This question is way too general and vague. As you can imagine, this question gets asked a lot. It's why we're all here. Everyone wants to grow their channels so that means there are already hundreds of threads discussing this and we don't really need another general one. :)

I suggest you start reading some of the many other threads about strategy / growing a channel before starting any new ones and then you'll be in a better situation to ask some specific questions. :)

Here are some sections to check out:

If you're looking for specific advice for your channel based on your existing channel or videos, then please ask for a review in the review forum. ( ) Please note that the review forum is the only forum where members can ask for feedback on their videos and channel (including artwork). We like to keep this sort of thread out of the main forums. :) If your thread complies with the review forum rules (at the top of the review forum), then it will be approved by a member of staff.

Good luck.
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