Some precisions about copyrights please :)


New Member
Hi ,

I'm new on youtube , i'm thinking about making my very first video but they're some things i'm still not sure about and i don't want to get my video stupidly blocked.

I understand that i can't use any film/video/music that belongs to someone else.
But what if i only use small fragments of them , like 10 of a cinematic that i did not make ?

This is probably obvious from my username but i'm planning on doing reviews and if i can't show some parts of the movie/videogame/idontknowwhatelse i'm talking about , i'm affraid video might be boring to watch.

So how far can i go without violating the copyright rules ?

Thanks in advance for your answers :) .
To be honest i can't give you a definitive answer but from what i have seen on youtube with videos similar, most of the time it is someone commenting over tiny clips of films/TV (CinemaSins spring to mind) so i'm assuming small clips might be OK but like i said i'm not certain. Sorry :)
Youtube is a straneg beast. My channel has movies but ones without copyright claim on them. Youtube will pull down your video if there is a lot of a copyrighted film in your video. The smaller the clip the better your chances are that it won't, but that's up to you to gamble.
Actually... depending on what you're planning on making videos about, you could be absolutely fine using clips. I assume from your username you're planning on making reviews? You're protected under Fair Use to use promo clips from whatever you're reviewing, the same way you'd be able to quote a book if you were reviewing that. Also, as long as you aren't causing the copyright holder any financial loss - ie. nobody's going to watch your video instead of viewing the original - then they'll have a hard time proving infringement. If that makes sense?
Also, stills from a film are as copyrighted as the clips, so it always makes me giggle when people think they can't use clips but still use stills. It's the same thing. Just a bit harder to edit. Check out channels like kermodeandmayo and The Young Turks for people who use a lot of video clips under Fair Use.
From a legal standpoint you will be fine as it's under fair use. But this doesn't mean the companies will definitely not claim the videos, which at that point your only option is to either acknowledge the claim or counter-claim. If that happens i believe the only way they can fight it is through court so it's definitely something to be very careful with.