Some of my ideas for videos for all of you (Non-Gaming)

Karac Cano

Professional procastenator
Here was just a rough draft of ideas I came up with a few months ago I just felt like sharing to you guys
1.Why college may not be for everyone
2.How to overcome shyness/care less what others say and think
3.Pursue a career you enjoy not one you feel pushed into
4.popularity theme video (mostly school focused)
5.How to tell your parents what you want to do
6. Becoming youtube
7.innuendo bingo (requires 2 people and spitting on each other with water)
8.25 facts about me( wait for a bit of an audience so they care)
9 Q&A (wait till people care about you on social media for this one)
10.Monthly favorites
11.Fundamentals/set up video
12.Day in life
13.more facts about me
14.How to be anti-social
15.Tag Videos

These are just some of the note book full of ideas, if you like some tell me and add some ideas you have for videos (non-gaming)