Some of my custom thumnails appearing, some not..............


Active Member
I upload custom thumbnails on youtube for my gameplay videos............but sometimes thumbnails appear on my vids and sometimes not.......................

Even if i use different browsers the same thing happens.................

Sometimes the custom thumbnail on video 7 will appear and sometimes not....sometimes a custom thumbnail will appear on video 8 and sometimes not???? this keeps happening for most of my videos.............

Whats wrong? Help me out here?
if you upload them after you post the video they take time to update. so most likely you keep updating your thumbnails thinking why are they not showing when you just need to give it some time
if you upload them after you post the video they take time to update. so most likely you keep updating your thumbnails thinking why are they not showing when you just need to give it some time

Thanks! I guess, i'll just have to wait........................