Software for Traffic and Content


New Member
Let me know your thoughts on the below idea (in production currently).

An online web application that will allow you to upload your YouTube video to Instagram directly.

from within the application it will automatically create a 10 second video (first 10 seconds) and upload it to your story.

then a 30-60 second video that uploads straight to your feed

and then a delayed (one week) full length video that gets uploaded to your InstagramTV.

Within the app a transcript from the video
is also made that is used as a caption for the Instagram feed video and the transcript can also be easily copied and uploaded to your blog.

this could be a huge way for Youtubers, particularly new youtubers to make the most of their social media to drive more traffic and produce more content across all social media streams.

PLEASE leave all of your comments below, tell me what you like, don’t like and anything else!!