Courtney Candice

I Love YTtalk
I went on social blade to check how my channel is doing like I usually do once a day and it said they couldn’t find any results for my channel at this time, this never happened to me before.

Does anyone else have this problem?
Social blade is having refresh issues since more than a month already. So I stopped checking it much. For example some days it shows huge decline in the analytics, then the next day it catches with a huge growth and it is pretty much unrealistic. Better rely on YouTube analytics, where you can also see the very important watch time report, which is not seen on Socialblade.
I didn't catch when it was down, but it seems to be working for me now. ^_^
I just checked it it’s working now[DOUBLEPOST=1540906053,1540905996][/DOUBLEPOST]
Social blade is having refresh issues since more than a month already. So I stopped checking it much. For example some days it shows huge decline in the analytics, then the next day it catches with a huge growth and it is pretty much unrealistic. Better rely on YouTube analytics, where you can also see the very important watch time report, which is not seen on Socialblade.
Really? I never had any issues with social blade until last night, but it’s working now.:)
No that does not happen to me but they will not update anything like subscriber Rank and anything. Also do you know the factors that contribute to your Socialblade Grade?