So you want to get your noticed and rich ? take a look here

We find another good place for promotion is the oldfashioned dull old press. Print is desperate for copy these days. If you're in a specialist subject area (like my channel is) and you are taking the trouble to produce transcript files (which are also good for promoting your films), you can top-and-tail the transcripts, and turn them into articles. You give these + highres pics to mags and newspapers for free in exchange for a plug for your channel. Press circulations being generally low, you're mainly doing the press a favour with this but, purely for the numbers, it's better than a collab with a small channel - and maybe there's some SEO benefit in it. We reckon it works for us. We also blog the articles via Wordpress and turn them into a weekly PDF newsletter and put them put via Scribd.
It's great to hear that there are those out there making videos because they are passionate about their medium. I've just started making videos a week ago and I'm hoping I don't lose sight of this, 6 months down the road. While I'd love having a larger audience to share with, for now I can't imagine making youtube a full time job. Once something becomes a job it gets less interesting...