Movie freaks unite!
And that is all I shall say about that, there's a lot of you. lol
Well we've already got that. You put "music, vlog, tutorial, gaming" or whatever before your post. But it's actually so much now, that I think other vlogs are getting lost in the sea of gaming vlogs and it's just like... there is probably a better way. I just can't think of it yet.Forum community is exploding and there are alllllooottttt of gamers on youtube so it seems naturally we would get lots. It's not a bad thing but it really can fill the video promotion section. All we need is a way to select what kind of content we want to view in the video promotion section. A prefrex search or somthing along those lines
Well we've already got that. You put "music, vlog, tutorial, gaming" or whatever before your post. But it's actually so much now, that I think other vlogs are getting lost in the sea of gaming vlogs and it's just like... there is probably a better way. I just can't think of it yet.