So I have this idea


YTtalk Mad
And what I want to do is play L4D2 to record for YT.
My only problem is that I don't have a HDPVR2, nor do I have the money to attain one.
Is there any cheaper alternative for the time being? I still want the quality, I'm not expecting something massively fantastic, bear in mind, I just want to know if there is something that won't rinse all my money.
I am a poor student, I need to find cheaper ways to record. All the rest of my recording equipment took me months to save for.

But yeah tl;dr
What cheapo software can I use to record xbox360 footage?
Do you plan on playing on xbox? (Im guessing so)
If you are, I'd like to play with you ! If you wouldnt mind me recording my own view (I have a HDPVR2, got it for €120 as it was on sale on amazon + had free shipping)

I'd recommend getting Something that does HD at least
Do you plan on playing on xbox? (Im guessing so)
If you are, I'd like to play with you ! If you wouldnt mind me recording my own view (I have a HDPVR2, got it for €120 as it was on sale on amazon + had free shipping)

I'd recommend getting Something that does HD at least
Yeah on my xbox, sure thing man. I'm always down for collabs :P
I'm just massively handicapped here cause I don't work but I have a car and tonnes of other bills to pay. Meh, I'll just wait for my student loan to come in.
Yeah on my xbox, sure thing man. I'm always down for collabs :p
I'm just massively handicapped here cause I don't work but I have a car and tonnes of other bills to pay. Meh, I'll just wait for my student loan to come in.

Awesome :D
Sell your car xD (Im joking, dont do that :giggle:)
Oh god thats a long distance... Why not just move?
I moved to where I go to college when I was 17 xD (1year ago)
I go down there when it's term time and move back up when it's not. London is horrible, I don't want to live there full time.
Plus there's the boyfriend who wants me to move in with him, but he lives even further away. Blaah!
'very cheap' you say.

Which one of my organs do you reckon will sell for £90? :p

It is pretty cheap considering it does the same job as the PVR2 and the Elgato which are like £120-130. If you really can't afford it then save up until you can get a good capture card. If you're really desperate then get this but I would highly recommend not to because the quality you'll get in the end won't be that great and appealing to potential viewers.
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