So I believe I'm going to record tomorrow,


Loving YTtalk
I believe I'm going to do my video on depression, the ins and outs of it, what brought me to depression, how i try and cope with it, and how I am on a day to day basis really, and I think I'm also going to be talking about the effects of depression and how it can ruin certain things in lives such as, social lives, family lives, relationships, friendships and so on..

I'm not gonna have it drag on too long, probably try and have it rounded off at about 5 minutes.

What are your thoughts on the idea though? Anything you'd like me to add to talk about?
Have you suffered depression or are you going through it now? Just any helps and tips, I suffer depression but when it comes to talking about my problems I tend to suffer a fair bit because I cant see what I'm like from an outsiders view ahah
That is great. I am really excited to see it. Videos like this can be very inspiring if made properly.. as long as you don't sob about your life (which I'm almost certain you're too smart to do). Good luck!
I, too, suffer from depression and I know how hard it can be to actually talk about it ;) But if you feel like you can do it and if it's something you want to do, I will applaud you for doing it ;)
I definitely wont sob about my life, I do that daily to my girlfriend ahah the world of youtube doesn't need it too :')
Nah I have rough ideas on what I can say to word properly and do correctly :)

Thank you both for your feedback
I believe I'm going to do my video on depression, the ins and outs of it, what brought me to depression, how i try and cope with it, and how I am on a day to day basis really, and I think I'm also going to be talking about the effects of depression and how it can ruin certain things in lives such as, social lives, family lives, relationships, friendships and so on..

I'm not gonna have it drag on too long, probably try and have it rounded off at about 5 minutes.

What are your thoughts on the idea though? Anything you'd like me to add to talk about?
Have you suffered depression or are you going through it now? Just any helps and tips, I suffer depression but when it comes to talking about my problems I tend to suffer a fair bit because I cant see what I'm like from an outsiders view ahah
Good luck bro, talking about anything like this is hard and it can be great help for people going through the same thing as you (y)
Anyone who tells you they've never been depressed is likely under the age of 10, or is a liar.

Topics such as this are great. They are something people can relate to, and something that numerous people need constant help with, every day. The key thing to try to focus on is how you can make your approach to the topic, or even the content itself, different. This is a very serious topic, but as with all things on YouTube, you need to differentiate yourself from the rest.

Depression, I would say, has only hit me really hard over the course of my life twice, fortunately. Both times, it happened to involve women...yaaaaaay. One was a breakup, the other was a girl that I had grown very close to leaving my high and dry. It came waaaaaaay out of left field.

Honestly, the best way to deal with it was distraction. For the first one, I allowed it to affect my first semester of college, quite a bit. Had it not been for a very good friend of mine at the time almost literally breaking my dorm room door down, and dragging me out of the room to go do "just whatever", I likely would have continued down that path and failed out.

The second event occurred right before Spring Break. So pretty much all I did was sit around and watch Netflix. I don't think I've ever watched all 8 seasons of Scrubs in five days before. For whatever reason, it was therapeutic.
Anyone who tells you they've never been depressed is likely under the age of 10, or is a liar.

Topics such as this are great. They are something people can relate to, and something that numerous people need constant help with, every day. The key thing to try to focus on is how you can make your approach to the topic, or even the content itself, different. This is a very serious topic, but as with all things on YouTube, you need to differentiate yourself from the rest.

Depression, I would say, has only hit me really hard over the course of my life twice, fortunately. Both times, it happened to involve women...yaaaaaay. One was a breakup, the other was a girl that I had grown very close to leaving my high and dry. It came waaaaaaay out of left field.

Honestly, the best way to deal with it was distraction. For the first one, I allowed it to affect my first semester of college, quite a bit. Had it not been for a very good friend of mine at the time almost literally breaking my dorm room door down, and dragging me out of the room to go do "just whatever", I likely would have continued down that path and failed out.

The second event occurred right before Spring Break. So pretty much all I did was sit around and watch Netflix. I don't think I've ever watched all 8 seasons of Scrubs in five days before. For whatever reason, it was therapeutic.
I would say that I have never been depressed in my life before, never got that serious where I've experienced locking myself away, I have been unhappy with certain things at times but I tend to get over things rather quickly, don't know if this is a gift or a curse
Anyone who tells you they've never been depressed is likely under the age of 10, or is a liar.

Topics such as this are great. They are something people can relate to, and something that numerous people need constant help with, every day. The key thing to try to focus on is how you can make your approach to the topic, or even the content itself, different. This is a very serious topic, but as with all things on YouTube, you need to differentiate yourself from the rest.

Depression, I would say, has only hit me really hard over the course of my life twice, fortunately. Both times, it happened to involve women...yaaaaaay. One was a breakup, the other was a girl that I had grown very close to leaving my high and dry. It came waaaaaaay out of left field.

Honestly, the best way to deal with it was distraction. For the first one, I allowed it to affect my first semester of college, quite a bit. Had it not been for a very good friend of mine at the time almost literally breaking my dorm room door down, and dragging me out of the room to go do "just whatever", I likely would have continued down that path and failed out.

The second event occurred right before Spring Break. So pretty much all I did was sit around and watch Netflix. I don't think I've ever watched all 8 seasons of Scrubs in five days before. For whatever reason, it was therapeutic.

Wow man, that sounds tough.. I've started recording today, editing the first part but I have some more to record tomorrow couldn't finish today was busy :) so it should be up tomorrow afternoon/night

I'm currently suffering with it, Since July when I found out my surgery was approaching I've hit a huge brick wall, I constantly feel useless and I complain how much I hate my life so often, I'm constantly down in my room crying over-thinking questioning life and arguing with people close to me which makes it worse, or complaining to my girlfriend how scared I am and want to refuse surgery which I know I cant..

My distractions really are just doing YouTube videos, seeing my girlfriend and singing and playing guitar. Music is my main help with anything.

I try and smile though, best thing to do :)
I would say that I have never been depressed in my life before, never got that serious where I've experienced locking myself away, I have been unhappy with certain things at times but I tend to get over things rather quickly, don't know if this is a gift or a curse
It could be both and neither. Depends on the situation.

Honestly, looking back on it, it was just a bad situation all together, and it should have been obvious to me that is was going to go that way from the beginning. That event actually helped me mature quite a bit, especially when it comes to determining whether or not a girl is the type of person I'd like to call my girlfriend or not. Once I actually got out and started to do things, I got over the depression very quick; it was the anger towards that person that took about two years to work through.[DOUBLEPOST=1365008614,1365008361][/DOUBLEPOST]
Wow man, that sounds tough.. I've started recording today, editing the first part but I have some more to record tomorrow couldn't finish today was busy :) so it should be up tomorrow afternoon/night

I'm currently suffering with it, Since July when I found out my surgery was approaching I've hit a huge brick wall, I constantly feel useless and I complain how much I hate my life so often, I'm constantly down in my room crying over-thinking questioning life and arguing with people close to me which makes it worse, or complaining to my girlfriend how scared I am and want to refuse surgery which I know I cant..

My distractions really are just doing YouTube videos, seeing my girlfriend and singing and playing guitar. Music is my main help with anything.

I try and smile though, best thing to do :)
That's rough, man. I can relate. Just know that you're not alone, and there are always people around who are willing to talk and listen, whether you realize it or not.

If I may, what's the surgery for?
It could be both and neither. Depends on the situation.

Honestly, looking back on it, it was just a bad situation all together, and it should have been obvious to me that is was going to go that way from the beginning. That event actually helped me mature quite a bit, especially when it comes to determining whether or not a girl is the type of person I'd like to call my girlfriend or not. Once I actually got out and started to do things, I got over the depression very quick; it was the anger towards that person that took about two years to work through.[DOUBLEPOST=1365008614,1365008361][/DOUBLEPOST]
That's rough, man. I can relate. Just know that you're not alone, and there are always people around who are willing to talk and listen, whether you realize it or not.

If I may, what's the surgery for?

I'm having open heart surgery, but it keeps being moved back so I don't know when