So how long do Content ID disputes take on average?

Uncivilized Elk

I Love YTtalk
I've learned the hard way with two of my videos that if you get Content ID'd for 30 seconds or less, you should just re-edit your video and replace that 30 second portion because it saves so much trouble, at least if your videos are reviews of a film/show/etc. Unless the 30 second portion is irreplaceable or something, it's just more convenient to use either a different part of the source material or just take screencaps rather than having the video roll.

However it's too late for that now with a couple of my videos.
One of my videos took 20 days for the Content ID dispute to be denied, then an additional 10 days for the second dispute, and now I'm on day 9 of the DMCA takedown dispute (seems like I should be in the clear by now, fingers crossed the video goes up any day now and my strike goes away).

Another one of my videos had the Content ID dispute denied after a day, but now the second ContentID dispute is on day 25.

Does it always take this ridiculous amount of time for copyright disputes to get settled? Or have I just been unlucky?