Smashing a Wii? Yay or nay?


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I got my Wii near launch and I've had it for yonks, but in 2012 I got a Wii U for Christmas. My Wii is useless, with no cables.

My parents want me to bin it, but I thought I could make a video out of it by destroying it on camera? Or is that rather stupid?

I love it as a relic and perhaps it might be worth something in a few years (if I can get few more cables! :D)

What do you think?
Smash that b*****d into oblivion!! Rage quit and toss that sucker off the roof, no mercy! Hope you do it :)
Well, I don't really think you should keep it and hope the value rises... it was such a popular console, especially among groups of people who hardly played it so there'll be a lot of Wiis out there in much better condition than yours.