Gaming Slenderman Screenshots Needed!

Douglas MacKrell

The Internet's Foremost Sexpro
Hey folks! I'm working on a Slenderman themed episode for an upcoming episode - and I'm drawing/animating some sequences for it.

In a flash of an idea, I thought I might be able to save some time drawing backgrounds AND add some internet credibility if I used actual area of the map in the slenderman game as the backgrounds in my animations!

What I need is a gamer to get to a cool open area of the forest map - possibly near a house or various location, but grab screenshots from that area.

Because I'll be animating over it I'll need a static area (no changes to environment or actual slenderman images in frame). I'm looking for 20-25 decent screen grabs from that location.

For the gamer that lends a hand, I'll gladly credit them in my video's about section (including a link to their YT channel), and I'll also film a brief intro for an upcoming episode of your show in the same way I just did for @Pervert Pete

This would be a HUGE help, and save me a lot of time - and I would greatly appreciate your effort.

Please shoot me a PM or respond to this thread if you can lend a hand.
I hate to light a fire under you - but I was hoping to have the completed video by Monday/Tuesday. Is there any way you could turn them around by tomorrow?

I'll try to get them, I've been ill at the moment so I've been playing games nonstop so It shouldn't be that hard.

Do you want it from the actual game? Or could I use something like a garrys mod map?
Well, a garry's mod would give you a lot more freedom to grab screenshots without all the actual game getting in the way. As long as it's a small clearing in a spooky forest I'm cool with it!
