Skippable Video Ads Auction


I don't understand what CPM is and how it matters to my channel. I see numbers and the current CPM for my channel in USA is 183.05. Playback based CPM 50.06. What do these numbers mean?
Someone please correct me if I am wrong but your CPM (cost per one thousand ad views) is the total revenue received on ads that has been clicked on your video. there is a whole process regarding this but I do know YouTube takes 45% of the total amount or something like that.
CPM (cost per one mile) is how much an advertiser cost to pay you per 1000 ads impressions. If a YouTube channel charges $2.00 CPM, that means an advertiser must pay $2.00 for every 1,000 impressions of its ad. Ad impression means how many ads slots being placed in your content (only in the monetized views).