Skip or Dip in the Shredder of Terror


Nothing Is Talent If Everyone Can Do It
It sounds sooooo cheesy but basically i came up with an idea where on my other channel i do drawings so to get people to vote they would have to see my other channels videos then decide what drawings i skip or dip into the Shredder of Terror to get torn into shreds.

Does there need to be any improvement?

This shredder of terror will be on 2bonic channel, drawing channel on chinmediahd.

Thought of a better method. basically for the first episode i will skip and dip some of my drawings then i will hold up some more drawings for the commentees to vote on for the next episode.
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I'm a bit confused by the wording of this. Are you saying that people would watch videos of you creating a drawing and then decide if you destroy it?
I'm a bit confused by the wording of this. Are you saying that people would watch videos of you creating a drawing and then decide if you destroy it?

what is so confusing about my wording? and no i am basically saying that my main channel "ChinMediaHD" does drawing videos and im running out of room so i thought on my other channel 2bonic i would do videos on what videos to shred chosen by the audience..
what is so confusing about my wording? and no i am basically saying that my main channel "ChinMediaHD" does drawing videos and im running out of room so i thought on my other channel 2bonic i would do videos on what videos to shred chosen by the audience..

Well if you think your audience might like it, I'd say go for it. And then if it doesn't go over well, you can stop doing those videos and look for other options. Hope it goes over well for you. Good luck! (=
Well if you think your audience might like it, I'd say go for it. And then if it doesn't go over well, you can stop doing those videos and look for other options. Hope it goes over well for you. Good luck! (=
HAHA i actually want to get rid of them. its only good for hoarding spiders and other insects. all the drawings will eventually create an unwanted pyramid.