Sketch ideas

Weekend Noobs

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i just had a nosey in this forum and its given me an interesting idea and I just want a second opinion really from your selves.

I'm always writing short comedy sketches however I never have the time to properly film them, or animate them or anything. However I would still like to share my ideas with people.

Do you think it would be an interesting series if I created a Playlist filled with say short 10 min videos of myself and a few friends basically reading the scripts in character to offer ideas to the public?
So basically giving my ideas out to the public so they can then create theyre own animated version or filmed version of these sketches?
The only thing I worry about are those that might take the credit for it
Its an interesting idea, and for someone who makes sketches, it would be useful. But I myself wouldn't use these. For people who create sketches, I personally believe you must try and create your own content.

But I do also believe that execution is everything and other people may think differently. The creating of your videos however, I don't think they would be very popular, but if you offered just the script in a proper format in an easy to reach place, it should be cool.

About people taking credit for it, you can't really do anything about that. Because its just the script you would identify as your content, not even the content ID on youtube would help.

Its up to you. I just know that I wouldn't use your idea, but I would like to see how others react to it.
Cheers for that man. Yeah i'm kinda on the same lines as yourself....the more I thought about it I was like.....hmmm.....maybe its not such a great idea lol
Cheers for that man. Yeah i'm kinda on the same lines as yourself....the more I thought about it I was like.....hmmm.....maybe its not such a great idea lol
Honestly man, I think you should keep the ideas. Doing sketches is the format that usually takes the most organization out of every niche youtuber format out there.

I know it takes me a while to organize for a good sketch. But in the time and effort and the get good talent aboard, and you will be very proud of your outcome :-) If anything, try it once and see where it takes you and if you like it :-) I only have 111 subs and I still enjoy making skits for the time I have been on youtube.