
New Member
Here's the thing.. In Japan I have No free time but I enjoy making quick videos. So im wondering what you think of WU & ME a series I started....

Let me just state I had no intentions to make it into anything. But after the first one, ideas started coming one after another. Clearly its not pro but I've got the season final coming up where its revealed PresidentWu is leaving as he thinks im ready to do it on my own. Heading into season 2.

Also need to shoot episode "pilot" as in my first episode WU is already there with no explaination. Again this for me is really fun. Even if the quality isnt great I really have no time. For now I plan to just progressing the story. There was no plan for a story untill the Photo battle in episode 8.

Thanks for your thoughts and go easy on me ;)

PS: The one thing Im happy about is I LIKE these so no matter what people say I would keep making them!!
It's great that you like making them! I've watched the first couple of you have the editing capabilities of doing a split screen so you can have yourself and yourself in the same shot? That would take a little more time, but would probably increase the number of situations you can show.
Hey xingcat I probably could but how to get the timing right might be tricky. However ill possibly try in a future episode.

Thanks its worth considering!

Appreciate you commenting!!