Services Simple Backgrounds for YTTalk Money!

Hi There!
My Name is Marc
If you are reading this I am currently making backgrounds for YTTalk Money!
Alright I'll make you a Simple Background for Only 20 YTTalk dollars!
What Not To Do:
Send Me The Money First. Please send the money once I send it to you :)
How To Send YTTalk Money:
1. Go To /bank/transfer (Put This After
2. Set Receivers To "Marc" (Remove Quotation Marks)
3. Set Transfer Amount To "20"
4. Click Send :)

Please Do Not Screw Me Over
Please Provide Me A Screen Shot of Your YTTalk Money

Only Doing This On Week Ends!​
Well can you give examples of your work? Also $20 is kinda pricey for just a simple bg. Also you can see how much YTtalk cash they have on the left.