Should I start back up?


New Member
I want to start back up, but I don't know what to post or what to do... I haven't uploaded in like 6 months....
If you don't have an idea what to upload then don't do it. What content do you enjoy creating?
Well I'd wait till you have an idea of what you want to do.... Take some time and decide what you want your channel to be about and where you want to go with it.
If you want to start again and want views/sub's go for a game thats "popular" right now. If you just want to do it for fun and for your self, play something you really love and have a lot of things to talk about. Maybe some badass oldschool game ;)
If you want to start again and want views/sub's go for a game thats "popular" right now. If you just want to do it for fun and for your self, play something you really love and have a lot of things to talk about. Maybe some badass oldschool game ;)
I vote you play pong.. no one is doing that game.. it's time has come.
same here I recently started back up after about that long, I just went into youtube depression, because I realised just how much competition and clutter there is in my industry of youtube, and I thought to myself that there is no way to stand out on youtube anymore, the people who are famous will always stay famous and nobody will move onto any new channels, but I got over those crazy thoughts :P and we are back in business like never before :)