I am interested! However. I would like to play ultimate alone. But I am cool with playing Any other mod pack. Check your YouTube Inbox. I will PM you there and we shall talk about it!I'm already running a series of FTB Monster on my channel. I do think good series are lacking of this genre so if you could pump out constant good quality episodes and you're knowledgeable on the mod pack then i think it could end up being a great success.[DOUBLEPOST=1396934317,1396917694][/DOUBLEPOST]Actually if you would be interested we could do a dual series as its much more entertaining and fun for both us and the viewers if we have more going on and not silence. PM me if interested.
In the Mod-packs of minecraft i don't see very good videos as much so if you're going to make a video on minecraft i recommend mod-packs or some sort of brand new adventure map etc.The trouble with minecraft is...to be brutally honest...there are already a lot of minecraft videos out there. The one you make will have to be very good in order to compete with the others out there that already have a following. If you feel you have something unique to bring to the genre then by all means do it but I am just warning you it may be hard to get views.