Should I make this challenge


I Love YTtalk
Okay I had an idea about a new challenge. What you do is person A film's themselves doing something they are good at and then tag somebody (person B) and say, "Are you just as bad as I am." After the person B tries to attempt (of course they film it) what person A did (they don't have to come close or they can do it there own way), they will film something they are good at doing and tag somebody else, person C. Person C will have to try and do what person B did and then film something they are good at doing and tag person D, etc... I'm going to call this challenge ImJustAsBad

Here's a general example, I do 100 push ups. I then tag person B and say, "are you just as bad as I am". Person B films themselves trying to do 100 push ups and does 5. Person B film themselves knitting and tags person C. Person C tries to knit and makes something if they can. etc...

What do you think?
Why the phrase "Are you just as bad as I am?" If the premise of the tag is people doing things they're good at, and presumably everyone knows that, then it kind of just leaves people looking like they're trying to make other people feel like they're bad at something. Almost seems better to have it as more of a "And what can you do?" thing?
Why the phrase "Are you just as bad as I am?" If the premise of the tag is people doing things they're good at, and presumably everyone knows that, then it kind of just leaves people looking like they're trying to make other people feel like they're bad at something. Almost seems better to have it as more of a "And what can you do?" thing?
I'm using the word "bad" as a double meaning for good. You know, how you want to say how good you are at something you go, "I'm bad."