Should I drop the "Games" in my name?


Resident Potato
Hey guys, so I have been thinking about how to rebrand and innovate my channel a bit. I figured I would start out from the beginning, my name. When you guys see my name, "MaxemoleGames", would you think it would be better to drop the games and just have "Maxemole"? Or do you guys think it is fine with the games there?

Thanks ahead of time. This may seem small but I think it would have some impact!
Well it looks like I am spending a bit of time rebranding this weekend!

Thanks much guys for the opinions! Much appreciated!
I personally dislike all those "Games" "Gamer" "HD" etc (used it myself for a bit as twitter handle and FB link and still think it was dumb of me :) ). I pretty much prefer if person has original and simple name. I will rather check "Maxemole" channel than "MaxemoleGamerHD" one ;)
Hey guys, so I have been thinking about how to rebrand and innovate my channel a bit. I figured I would start out from the beginning, my name. When you guys see my name, "MaxemoleGames", would you think it would be better to drop the games and just have "Maxemole"? Or do you guys think it is fine with the games there?

Thanks ahead of time. This may seem small but I think it would have some impact!
Maxemole sounds cool! I would drop the"music" in my name too once my channel gains more views on the search results haha :)