Should i create a trailer for my channel or just my best video?

Alfie Rhoades

I want to make you all smile,watch a video:)
I am undecided wether making a trailer is actually needed can you people help me out? Thankyou for your time:)
YouTube themselves suggests making a 30-60sec trailer. Explaining who you are, what you do, how often and why they should subscribe. Well that's what they told us in the Maximise your Channel YouTuber Academy.
With all that said if you look at ,y 100th video is that a trailer or what should be involved to make it good??
I made a trailer a while back, but now I just use my favourite video I've made lately. I might make another trailer soon, but I'm not really sure. I find I'd rather watch someone's actual videos to gauge whether or not I'll like them, but I realise that everyone isn't like that...
I made a trailer a while back, but now I just use my favourite video I've made lately. I might make another trailer soon, but I'm not really sure. I find I'd rather watch someone's actual videos to gauge whether or not I'll like them, but I realise that everyone isn't like that...
Do what Nikki tells you.. she is the bomb!
With all that said if you look at ,y 100th video is that a trailer or what should be involved to make it good??
Yeah you could use that, there's some good cuts in there. Like I said if it's under 2-3mins you can use it. Or use your MOST entertaining video that catches the attention of the viewer within the first 10 seconds. Otherwise you could create a short montage-ish video or a channel trailer that explains your channel.