Alfie Rhoades
I want to make you all smile,watch a video:)
I am undecided wether making a trailer is actually needed can you people help me out? Thankyou for your time

Do what Nikki tells you.. she is the bomb!I made a trailer a while back, but now I just use my favourite video I've made lately. I might make another trailer soon, but I'm not really sure. I find I'd rather watch someone's actual videos to gauge whether or not I'll like them, but I realise that everyone isn't like that...
Yeah you could use that, there's some good cuts in there. Like I said if it's under 2-3mins you can use it. Or use your MOST entertaining video that catches the attention of the viewer within the first 10 seconds. Otherwise you could create a short montage-ish video or a channel trailer that explains your channel.With all that said if you look at ,y 100th video is that a trailer or what should be involved to make it good??