Should I continue it ?


Yttalk Pokemon Expert
So guys I made an hitler parody a day or so ago and it's goten 150 views pretty damn good if im going to be honest but im wondering in your opinion guys should I continue doing these I enjoy making them but what U guys think :) ?
I do not recommend it due to the fact you are using copyrighted content.

The hitler part is from the movie 'Der Untergang', having videos with third party content will make partnering impossible and such. If you wish to continue with the vids, move them to another channel to keep your main channel safe.
if you enjoy making them, everyone elses opinions are null in-void, do what ever the heck your enjoy making that is legal.
I do not recommend it due to the fact you are using copyrighted content.

The hitler part is from the movie 'Der Untergang', having videos with third party content will make partnering impossible and such. If you wish to continue with the vids, move them to another channel to keep your main channel safe.
Im already partnered :) and I don't monetize the video.
There are some hilarious ones of these out there. Not monetizing, not getting flagged, not harming your standing, I say go for it.
I say do it!

Eh, I wouldn't overkill it. These videos are fun every once and a while, but they'll lose their novelty if you do too many of them.
If you find something that works for you stick to it and keep on trying it. If they are working you might as well do it.