Should I bother with a Channel Trailer yet?


Active Member
Adivce time! *3*
So, I have just recently started actually utilizing my channel for my own quirky form of vlogging -it's pretty apparent from my lack of proper equipment- and, with 9 videos so far...
Should I make a Channel Trailer already?
Or should I wait until there's actually more content to offer, before doing that? (I already have it planned out, but I was thinking of hitting maybe 15 videos, first, and then doing an actual Channel Trailer)
Thoughts, opinions, and any kind of advice will be welcomed ♥
Theres no harm in making one and having one uploaded now, it will give you a good opportunity to entice people to subscribe by showing off your personality, quirkiness and who you are and what they can expect from you, as long as its under 30 seconds and gets that message across to whoever is watching it then it can work well. Make sure to end it with a call to action ie subscribe :D

Personally I dont use them but I probably will eventually and when I do I will be making mine no longer than 30 seconds, I tend to click off the majority that are more than that unless I truly am sucked into watching it right through but that can be quite hard to achieve.