Well-Known Member
Hi, everyone.
I've heard that YouTube is now demanding that we opt into their new terms of service or forever lose the ability to monetize our videos. Now, I have a handful of videos on YouTube, but I haven't REALLY
launched a channel in earnest; nothing I've dedicated any serious time or effort toward. I don't believe I've monetized anything. I don't think I even have an AdSense account, but again, I DO have videos on YouTube. I'm planning on starting a real, legit channel early next year, though. Do I need to opt into these new terms NOW? Do I need to monetize the meager handful of videos I have now; most of which are unlisted and were created only as part of assignments for my Graphics degree I'm working on? I do have a few video that are public and meant for other people to enjoy, but as I said, I don't believe I've monetized anything. Will I be able to opt in later, after I finish school and launch my official channel?
I'm just trying to find out if I need to opt in now or if I can do it later, because I don't have a lot of videos other people can see and I don't think any of them are monetized, so it feels like there's no need to opt in at this point, but I don't want to put it aside for now and then find out I can't do it once I'm ready to launch my official channel. Is it better to submit one of my videos for monetization NOW, just so I can opt in or am I okay as long as nothing is monetized and I can just opt in when I start monetizing videos later?
Thanks, everyone.
I've heard that YouTube is now demanding that we opt into their new terms of service or forever lose the ability to monetize our videos. Now, I have a handful of videos on YouTube, but I haven't REALLY
launched a channel in earnest; nothing I've dedicated any serious time or effort toward. I don't believe I've monetized anything. I don't think I even have an AdSense account, but again, I DO have videos on YouTube. I'm planning on starting a real, legit channel early next year, though. Do I need to opt into these new terms NOW? Do I need to monetize the meager handful of videos I have now; most of which are unlisted and were created only as part of assignments for my Graphics degree I'm working on? I do have a few video that are public and meant for other people to enjoy, but as I said, I don't believe I've monetized anything. Will I be able to opt in later, after I finish school and launch my official channel?
I'm just trying to find out if I need to opt in now or if I can do it later, because I don't have a lot of videos other people can see and I don't think any of them are monetized, so it feels like there's no need to opt in at this point, but I don't want to put it aside for now and then find out I can't do it once I'm ready to launch my official channel. Is it better to submit one of my videos for monetization NOW, just so I can opt in or am I okay as long as nothing is monetized and I can just opt in when I start monetizing videos later?
Thanks, everyone.