Short film Ideas?


YTtalk Mad
Hey Guys! My channel is dedicated to film, and I was wondering if anyone had any good ideas for short (up to 5 minute) films or skits that I could make. Thanks in advance for what I'm sure will be a bunch of wonderful ideas!
A dude is struggling to get through a crowded pedestrian area. A blind dude breezes past wearing glass and waving his cane about - people make way for this gentleman and he walks through unfazed. After walking through the crowd he stops, takes off his glasses, looks behind him, smiles, folds up his cane, and walks off.
Great to see another person dedicated to making films! Me and my friends came up with an idea about college students who had died being trapped in their college building. It follows them as they deal with what has happened, shows their past and sees their struggle with moving on.