Setting video thumbnail (poster frame)


Hi All,

I'm trying to find a way to set the poster frame or thumbnail of a video to one of the last frames for that video, say 2-3 seconds back from the end. I would prefer a default setting rather than doing it manually.
Is there a way to do this on a mac or some program that is able to do this after the files are on my hard drive?
Not sure but it really doesn't take that long to do it manually.
In Windows (don't know if Mac is the same way), just open the video, go to the frame, screenshot, open in Paint, crop, and done.
Or if your video editor has a screenshot option, you can take an image of a frame in there and save it.
What a pain, doing it manually defeats the purpose, as the video's I don't want to save I just delete....
However there isn't a default way to set up a timeframe, you can use this
and upload a default image.
You can create a .png image with a transparent background. Upload it and apply it to all your videos.
It's not quite what you're looking for but it definitely makes things easier.
I "NEED" a thumbnail of about the last 2-3 seconds of a given video. Something like

Thumb image = Total#frames - 75 frames.

The programming wouldn't be that hard if someone knows mac programming. I don't, bugger!!!
I just remembered that some video players can take screenshots. Try finding one that can take screenshots, that way, you can just open the video, go to that part and save a screenshot.
Screen shots isn't an option. I want to scan over the thumbnails of say 100 video's and delete the ones I don't want.
So it needs to be an automated process. Thanks for trying.