Setting up annotations a pain in the bum?


Letf Handed Red Headed Stepchild Gamer
Whenever I have to try to set them up for the end of my video (outros) I find youtube doesn't let me scroll to the appropriate spot and often the video starts all over. It's as if in the annotation page it has the end time incorrect or something, anyone else run into this and know a workaround?
I haven't had this happen to me, but I do agree annotations can be real annoying. Especially when you are really picky and want to make then appear only at specific times for specific amounts of time. I FEEL YA BRO.
They are very tedious since I have an outro so I link videos and the subscribe button at the end. Even if it looks like you've hit the spot and you watch it back it's not always perfect. It's one thing they should try to improve, the controls for it is a bit too meticulous. Can be a pain in the a** sometimes ><
Why not using TubeBuddy? Its a great extension that can copy and paste annotations from one video to others/all of your videos ;)
I second the message about tubebuddy, the free version lets you copy annotations from one video to another, and is great if you have an outro that is the same length on each video, as you can edit the links on the annotations in the tubebuddy pop-up, so you don't even need to touch the annotations page!
TubeBuddy all the way. I don't have the free version anymore, but I'm pretty sure it does allow you to copy annotations. I know you can copy cards too. It's amazing!
You can use as well.

You just select the videos you want to go on your outro and it adds the annotations AND cards too! At the correct spots!

They have a template editor as well, where you can place videos, subscribe buttons, links and audio etc.
I've also always found the annotation section of the videos to be a massive pain to be honest. I might look into this tube buddy thing that everyone is talking about, hopefully I have some luck with it :)
This same thing happens to me! I just try and know the time that I want the annotations to pop up before I go and add them. Also, piggy-backing on what has been said above, TubeBuddy is super helpful.