Serving Disgusting Smoothies to the Public!


Asia's Redheaded Step-Child
Hey guys! Here's this week's episode, would love to get your thoughts as always!

This week we continued our new public challenges series, by offering some disgusting smoothies to the public, filled with all kinds of fantastic ingredients (fantastic for me at least...). So check it out, and hopefully you like it:

Let me know what you guys think! Was it as funny as the Ghost Peppers one? Not funny? What worked/didn't work?

Your opinions always mean a lot to me, so thank you, everyone!
I just can't believe people are willing to drink it! you must be a persuasive person. Kudos to you sir

It took a lot of behind the scenes convincing, @amberly! We struck out quite a fair bit, but luckily Portland has its fair share of characters, especially where we were shooting down by the waterfront, so the numbers paid out in the end!

Not sure I'd manage those smoothies, they'd come straight back up :depressed2: Hahah awesome video! :D

Really, @CP Games? You guys put all kinds of peppers and stuff in your mouth, you could handle it! You should do some sort of disgusting smoothie variation for the next into the comments. Would love to see that, haha! Thanks for the love as always!
Really, @CP Games? You guys put all kinds of peppers and stuff in your mouth, you could handle it! You should do some sort of disgusting smoothie variation for the next into the comments. Would love to see that, haha! Thanks for the love as always!
You're probably right xD I'll have to see what's in my cupboards :P I'm sure there's bound to be stuff in there I never knew we had that we can use. And no worries man, love these videos! :)