Series Consistency - White balance and Lighting Importance?


I Love YTtalk
Hey everyone,

I am currently recording a series of videos but consistency is something I always worry about and its normally the lighting conditions that tend to make me feel that the videos arent as good as they could be. I find that if I rely on natural lighting that each video will be either slightly brighter or darker or the colours may be slightly different because of adjusting white balance depending on the current lighting. Is keeping these things consistent extremely important or does it alienate the viewer if these things change? I feel like recording using a lighting kit in a dark room as I have more control each time of the colour consistency between videos, either doing that or recording them on a sunny day in one go. What are your thoughts on this? Does it matter THAT much?
For me I think that it looks nice to have lighting and white balance similar for eac video because you can make the connections that it's the 'style' of the series so it makes it feel a bit more professional. If i'm watching a series when the lighting changes it's not much of a fuss but it's nice to have consistency throughout each video when it's necessary such as being in the same room each time :)
For me I think that it looks nice to have lighting and white balance similar for eac video because you can make the connections that it's the 'style' of the series so it makes it feel a bit more professional. If i'm watching a series when the lighting changes it's not much of a fuss but it's nice to have consistency throughout each video when it's necessary such as being in the same room each time :)

I think the controllable things are easy, like position of the camera, the subject, the background etc its the lighting frustrating me, I recorded the first in a series earlier, it was dull so I used shade white balance but I bet it gets brighter later meaning I need to use another setting and it ends up inconsistent :P
well for me personally it wouldn't matter too much..but if it matters to YOU then you should do something about it. and try to keep the lighting consistant...all in all i don't think people will be too annoyed...its like a slight scar or imperfection you notice on yourself..chances are you are the only person that will notice and everyone else will just sorta look over it...

but like i said if you feel the lighting is outta wack then maybe the controled lighting method is better for your videos rather than relying on natural light .
I have a similar desire to keep the white balance and lighting the same in all my videos (It's the main reason I like to use a black background instead of a white one whenever I can.), but to be perfectly honest, I doubt he average viewer will care very much.
I think the controllable things are easy, like position of the camera, the subject, the background etc its the lighting frustrating me, I recorded the first in a series earlier, it was dull so I used shade white balance but I bet it gets brighter later meaning I need to use another setting and it ends up inconsistent :p
it shoudn't affect too much of satisfaction but if you can get it consistant it's always nice to throw it in there :)
well for me personally it wouldn't matter too much..but if it matters to YOU then you should do something about it. and try to keep the lighting consistant...all in all i don't think people will be too annoyed...its like a slight scar or imperfection you notice on yourself..chances are you are the only person that will notice and everyone else will just sorta look over it...

but like i said if you feel the lighting is outta wack then maybe the controled lighting method is better for your videos rather than relying on natural light .

It definitely matters to me as it irks me as I notice it. Its just the lighting really, yeah I think relying on natural light for video is a pain in the backside now if youre not able to record in one session and doing a series.

I have a similar desire to keep the white balance and lighting the same in all my videos (It's the main reason I like to use a black background instead of a white one whenever I can.), but to be perfectly honest, I doubt he average viewer will care very much.

it shoudn't affect too much of satisfaction but if you can get it consistant it's always nice to throw it in there :)

I think I will just try and ignore it for this series and use controlled lighting in the future for these types of videos instead or try and record all in a few hours max.