Semi-Gaming Related Podcast Ideas?


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A podcast has been something I've considered doing since I started listening to podcasts.

If I did one, I think it would be a little bit about games, but I'd like to put in a bit of a comedy idea too.
Maybe an advice related idea for that.

What ideas do you have that would make a good blend here?
Any suggestions will be considered. and I expect to have a 2-3 person cast for my thought.
Y'know something I've kinda wanted to see or possibly make myself is some kind of thing about how long game series have progressed over the years. Take GTA for example. It started as top-down, then III went 3D, then later let you customize your character, then San Andreas brought all this awesome side stuff, etc etc. I'm not sure if it's particularly interesting but it's crossed my mind once or twice :P