Seeking advice, should I include intro/montage on each videos ?


Active Member
Hi guys. I would like to seek your opinion. A lot of my videos now are inclusive of intro/montage for about 24 second. Should I continue to include the montage or straight forward to the content. Sample of my videos as follow;

with intro

without intros (different vidoe)

Would it be boring or is it ok. Just give your honest opinion.
I used to have a 20 second intro but realized how much I hated sitting through other people's intros. So, I now have a 3 second splash screen. The long intros can look nice, but who wants to watch multiple videos, if it has a long intro? I will use the scrub bar to skip ahead 30 seconds if there is an intro. I would rather miss part of the video than watch the intro.

That may just be me, but I bet some others must feel the same. Look at your analytics and see how many viewers drop, or skip ahead, in the beginning of the vid. If they watch the intro, leave it. If they skip it, or leave, shorten it or remove it. You can experiment with different ways and see what works. Keep monitoring the analytics, they will let you know.