Gaming Searching for a Editer


Well-Known Member
Hello, Do you like games ?:bigrin2:
Go check my Channel. i uplaod so much i can,:) but there is 1 problem!
I dont know how to Edit!!.:help:
so do you wanna Edit for my Channel? pls leave a comment :)

Thanks for you time
Greets, DailyRaiderz
Being on youtube, you are going to eventually need to learn how to edit if you are wanting to continue for more than a while.. Its easy enough, even with the simplest of editors. Loads of tutorials online.

Unless you are going to pay, I don't think many people will answer with a yes unless they are looking for experience editing themselves.
I would advise you try learning it :) Its like riding a bike, expect with a few more buttons. Once you start, all you need is to keep doing it :)
i can edit , just depends what kinda stuff you wanna make , if its something like a machinima then i guess i could but still gonna be hard to send the files etc
Honestly, it's not worth your time to send the files to someone, then have them send the files back, I agree with
Being on youtube, you are going to eventually need to learn how to edit if you are wanting to continue for more than a while.. Its easy enough, even with the simplest of editors. Loads of tutorials online.

Unless you are going to pay, I don't think many people will answer with a yes unless they are looking for experience editing themselves.
I would advise you try learning it :) Its like riding a bike, expect with a few more buttons. Once you start, all you need is to keep doing it :)

It would literally be the equivalent of uploading your video 3 times before it's even on youtube. It's just inconvenient for anyone involved.
Honestly, it's not worth your time to send the files to someone, then have them send the files back, I agree with

It would literally be the equivalent of uploading your video 3 times before it's even on youtube. It's just inconvenient for anyone involved.

The more the video is uploaded to YouTube the worse the quality gets aswell. due to compression and decompression of the files
Most of the editors would ask money for the work they do for you. If I were you I would get a video editor myself and learn it from tutorials on youtube. It takes some time, but it's totally worth it.