I've Got It
Is this where you can have your banner if you spend forum cash? If so, has this helped you get views and subs?
Haha Okay,I can make my own. I'm well versed in photoshop. Thanks though. Making a banner and a background for my channel are on my weekend agenda. So is recording a podcast. And working out. And getting my drank on. Dang. I might need to outsource the banner. We'll see!
One more thing and I'll leave you alone. What's a good size for these banners? Thanks.Yeah, If you want, look in my signature (I have a link, to my thread were I make people banners for cheap)
You can ask as many questions as you like!, I'm glad to help youOne more thing and I'll leave you alone. What's a good size for these banners? Thanks.
Awesome except I cannot see itMade my banner. It's at the top of my signature. I was looking for eye-catching, yet simple.