Scary.. But not too scary!


Loving YTtalk
(I hope for once this is the right topic!)

Anyway! I kinda need your help with this. I've been asking around and people like to see some scary games with a facecam on it. My problem is, I get scared so easily and the thought alone makes me want to rage quit a game! It's not that I don't like scary stuff, but those jump scares D: *Goes sit in a corner*

Now I'm trying to get into this stuff, but I want to start with something scary that isn't too scary for someone who is scared very easily (get it?). Do you have something for me?

Not too expensive and not too graphical as my poor beasty is 4 years old, it can handle some stuff but not things like Tomb Raider and Witcher 3 (I know, not scary) but just an example.

Can you help me out?!
Under a game design standpoint, the Five Nights serie of games, aside from the third employ jumpscares only in the case of a fail-state, which means that going through the game regularly it will be creepy at best without cheap gimmicks.
As an alternative, there are titles like F.E.A.R. , Condemned Criminal Origins or Alan Wake, never tried them personally but are action games with horror elements.
Under a game design standpoint, the Five Nights serie of games, aside from the third employ jumpscares only in the case of a fail-state, which means that going through the game regularly it will be creepy at best without cheap gimmicks.
As an alternative, there are titles like F.E.A.R. , Condemned Criminal Origins or Alan Wake, never tried them personally but are action games with horror elements.
Never really looked into F.E.A.R because... It sounds so.. Scary! Yes, I'm the worst but I'm going to try some stuff. If you would check my Unturned video's I already freak at square zombies *sigh*[DOUBLEPOST=1472575739,1472575699][/DOUBLEPOST]
Almost, I've moved this to the Scripts, Script writing, Ideas and Planning forum. :)
I'm sorry! I do try to get it into the right topic!
Another game that came up to my mind, is the S.T.A-L.K.E.R. serie, the best one should be Shadow Of Chernobyl, it's not strictly horror but it has its creepy moments (mutated boars anyone?) make sure to install the Zone Reclamation Project mod, it fixes a lot of bugs and introduces a few useful features.
Another game that came up to my mind, is the S.T.A-L.K.E.R. serie, the best one should be Shadow Of Chernobyl, it's not strictly horror but it has its creepy moments (mutated boars anyone?) make sure to install the Zone Reclamation Project mod, it fixes a lot of bugs and introduces a few useful features.
Owwwwh! I shall look into it! Thank you so much!
People think that's the best part about it! You'll probably feel a numbness towards it after you play so much but starting off easy is fine too.
People think that's the best part about it! You'll probably feel a numbness towards it after you play so much but starting off easy is fine too.
I really think I need to start easy... My friend tried to let me play Fatal Frame (not sure which one) but on the PS2 and my hands already started to shake at the start screen, because I saw her play and it freaked me out so many times. And playing it... Owwwwwwh. This was years ago though.